Our journey at Celler was born from the determination of two women passionate about transforming challenges into opportunities, Kátia Rangel and Isabella Freire. As founders, we face significant obstacles in managing teams, even with an internal People department. We experience high turnover rates, difficulties in integration and a constant search for professionals aligned with the company's culture and requirements.
Furthermore, as candidates, we experience painful moments in prejudiced selection processes, lacking feedback and devoid of humanization, making us feel devalued as individuals.
Given these experiences, we decided it was time to do something different. We have become the voice of change, specializing in hiring professionals throughout the sales funnel, ranging from marketing to customer success, at all hierarchical levels. We deeply understand the behavioral skills and technical knowledge necessary for a person in the commercial sector to truly contribute to the success of an organization. For us, each hire is not just a contract closing; It is the beginning of a long-term partnership.
Our history and brand
Celler's history is marked by the deep meaning behind our name. Derived from "cells", it expresses our commitment to multiplication and constant innovation, reflected in the logo that evokes cell division, a symbol of new beginnings. Seler in English, denoting seller, highlights our niche, while the choice of blue and green colors conveys serenity, confidence and balanced innovation.
Our archetype, the Creator, reflects our search for efficiency and empathy in relationships. Celler was born from multiplication, evoking the birth of a new era in recruitment. With a mission to lead in innovation and create a positive impact, we are passionate, entrepreneurial and committed. Thus, Celler shapes its path with purpose and passion, redefining the approach to the recruitment market.
Our founders
Katia Rangel - CEO
In 2022, Katia created Celler, a company specializing in recruitment and selection for commercial vacancies. Katia's talent and experience in commercial management, aligned with her passion for recruitment and selection. were the catalyst for the company's instant success.
Here at Celler, Katia has been more than a leader, she is an inspiration. Your strength, determination and ability to generate business and revenue has made our company grow exponentially.
Isa Freire - COO
Production Engineer and visionary leader, Isa has already built a startup for the real estate market, from scratch, and was successful.
With tactical and strategic expertise, at Celler, as partner and co-founder, Isa manages finances, technology, marketing and projects, optimizing flows to boost productivity and our growth.
At Celler, we dream of impacting the world by transforming the way companies approach recruitment. We want to be the voice of change, offering an integrated and humanized approach that goes beyond closing contracts, building lasting partnerships and contributing to the long-term success of our clients and candidates.
Com uma trajetória marcada por sucesso exponencial, consolidamos nossa posição como uma empresa inovadora e visionária. O ponto crucial de nossa ascensão foi a participação no maior programa de aceleração de startups da América Latina, o Inovativa. Através desse programa, não apenas ganhamos impulso, mas também refinamos nossas estratégias e consolidamos nosso compromisso com a excelência.
Além disso, orgulhamo-nos de ser membros prime de uma vibrante comunidade de fundadores de empresas, o Founders Club. Essa rede exclusiva proporciona trocas diárias de experiências, conhecimento e um valioso networking. Acreditamos que o aprendizado contínuo e a colaboração são fundamentais para o nosso sucesso contínuo, e é por isso que investimos ativamente nessa comunidade.
Como parte do nosso compromisso com a qualidade e integridade, somos associados da ABES (Associação Brasileira das Empresas de Software). Essa afiliação não apenas reforça nossa adesão aos padrões éticos mais elevados, mas também fortalece nossa presença e influência no setor.
Esses marcos representam nossa busca incansável pela excelência, inovação e colaboração, elementos essenciais que impulsionam nossa jornada de sucesso e contribuem para nosso papel destacado no cenário empresarial!
Metodologia Celler
Estabelecimento de Parceria:
Iniciamos cada processo com um briefing detalhado, compreendendo profundamente a cultura e as necessidades específicas de nossos clientes. Aqui, ajudamos na estruturação da melhor persona e
oportunidade, lado a lado, como verdadeiros parceiros.
Visão em 360° dos Candidatos:
Proporcionamos aos clientes uma visão abrangente de cada candidato, através de testes comportamentais, parecer de entrevista e análises especializadas, assegurando uma correspondência precisa com suas expectativas.
Para cada vaga, uma entrega personalizada!
Detalhes da Oportunidade: Apresentamos aos candidatos as nuances da vaga, destacando desafios e benefícios, promovendo transparência e alinhamento desde o início de cada comunicação.
Acreditamos que um alinhamento mútuo demonstra respeito à cada indivíduo envolvido.